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District Coffee Morning

  • Out of Office Coffee House - The Hive Building 26 Wembley Park Boulevard Wembley, England, HA9 0HP United Kingdom (map)

We have partnered up with Out of Office Coffee to offer a monthly District coffee morning for all volunteers (including prospective volunteers) in Brent District to get out of the scout hut and enjoy a coffee (other beverages available) and a chat.

We want to build a stronger community within the district and what better way than over a cuppa!

Come along for…

  • Great company

  • Training validation

  • Volunteer recruitment

Event Day

Please note that Saturday the 12th is an Arena Event Day, and car parking restrictions are in place.

We recommend traveling by public transport or cycle, if you are travelling by car Brent Civic Centre is the best value for short stay parking (Β£9 for 3 Hours)

5 November

District Campfire & Fireworks 2022

12 November

Young Leader Training - Module A